Radiodeclic - Independent non-commercial media in Terres de LorraineThe Association for Communication in Terres de Lorraine (ACT) was created in 1984 from the desire of young farmers and teachers from Toulois to offer an innovative tool for the benefit of residents.Its purpose is to create and manage communication tools for rural and local development, particularly in the field of popular education. It carries a radio service called Déclic FM.Déclic FM is a local radio service, it is also an independent non-commercial media, whose editorial content is intended to be apolitical and secular. The radio broadcasts on 3 frequencies: 87.7 / 101.3 / 89.6 FM and in streaming on, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is also found on social networks and on android.ACT radio clic has also been registered with DIRECCTE as a training organization since 1989, approved Association Jeunesse et Éducation Populaire since 1990 (approval renewed in 2003), recognized of General Interest since 2013 and approved as a complementary educational association of public education since 2014.Due to its status of associative radio (category A), Radio Déclic does not broadcast any advertising on its antenna. Its funding is aid from communities and the state, as well as certain products resulting from the provision of services.As a beneficiary of the Radiophonic Expression Support Fund, Déclic must be involved in specific thematic actions such as education, culture, the environment, local and economic development, the fight against discrimination and integration.Radio Déclic aims to be an interactive tool open to all, at the service of the inhabitants and working for the development and revitalization of the territory.Radio Déclic broadcasts generalist musical programming during the day with special attention to local artists and current music, and in the evening a thematic musical program alternating Rock, Reggae, Jazz, via Hip Hop and electronic music.It produces an average of 20 hours of its own program daily, the remaining 4 hours being devoted to broadcasting programs produced by partner radio stations or producers.